CBS News: 15 sitios ideales para vivir y trabajar



Informa CBS News: Estados Unidos, Canadá, Italia, Australia, China, Singapur, India, Holanda, Francia, Suiza, figuran entre las 15 “top” naciones para vivir y trabajar. Descubra cuáles son los secretos de estos países para atraer, anualmente, a cientos de miles de trabajadores, en este especial de Money Watch de CBS News: “Overall, 15 countries stand out as the best places for businesses to send their employees and their families. While the annual list remains relatively constant, countries tend to trade spots within it. China was big last year but dropped slightly in the rankings this year. Britain, on the other hand, has emerged as a more popular destination. And despite its recent economic woes, the top global destination remains unchanged”, destaca el especial.

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